Telephone & Internet Registration
Registration into courses will be exclusively through the Web-based Course Registration Process. Phone
registration will not be accepted. To register for courses using the Internet, go to the New Jersey State
website, and click away! For those of you who have previously created a myNewJersey
account, simply log-in and enter yourself into the courses!
Registration Periods
The registration period begins on September 7, 2016, and continues through the semester. You may
register for a maximum total of six (6) courses for the Fall 2016 semester. In special cases you may
register for additional classes over the maximum limit; however, registration will be permitted only on a
space available basis and must be approved by the Division of Fire Safety staff at 609-777-3552. Credit
will not be issued for repeat courses which have already been completed within your active certification
cycle, with the exception of Code Update. The Division of Fire Safety reserves the right to limit the
number of enrollments per person.
Withdraw From a Course– You must contact the Division of Fire Safety by phone to withdraw from a
course. Withdrawals are not accepted via the internet. Please contact our office no later than 48 hours
prior to the course date at 609-777-3552 between the hours of 9 a.m.- 3 p.m., Monday- Friday. Please
provide the course name, date, location and your DFS six digit Fire Service Identification Number
(1XXXXX) when canceling from a course. For your records, a withdraw notice will be automatically
mailed to you. Failure to withdraw or receiving a no show on your record could result in the DFS revoking
registration privileges for future classes. Please be courteous to other fire service members who are on
course standby lists and have the opportunity to fill your seat in the event that you are unable to make
the class.
Course Confirmation Notice – If you do not receive a reminder within two days of the course date,
please call the Division of Fire Safety to verify your registration at 609-777-3552. You may change and/or
verify your address at any time on-line through your account personal information screen.
Multiple Dwelling Inspector Information-Information – UCC Fire Inspectors/Officials who also hold a
Multiple Dwelling Inspector license may use any ONE of the Code Enforcement courses per three year
license cycle for renewal of a multiple dwelling license. Further information may be obtained by calling
609-984-7834. The following course codes qualify for multiple dwelling inspector credit: CE017, CE021,
CE032, CE063, CE092, CE170, CE501, CE547, CE755, CE763, CE765, CE774, CE582, C2T21, and
*New Email Requirement
The Division of Fire Safety has modified its computer system to require that each person registering
into a course must have a valid, permanent email address on the personal information page of their
myNewJersey account. A permanent email address is one which will not be affected by a change in
internet service provider, for example yahoo, gmail, aol or msn. Please check your personal information
page to ensure a complete email address is displayed. For example Should you
attempt to register without an email address on your record, the computer will present an error message
which will instruct you to add an email address. You will be prohibited from enrolling into the courses
unless a complete, permanent email address is added to your record. This new requirement is to
ensure that the Division of Fire Safety has valid email addresses for each person registered. This will
facilitate communicating to enrolled students should a course delivery be cancelled due to illness of the
instructor or weather conditions. Please go to Registration Help and select Videos for a video on how to
update your email address.
Web-based Registration-Online access through an individual myNewJersey account is now available
at Through myNewJersey, you are now able to access and update your personal information,
review and print your course enrollment list, review and print your completed course list, obtain a certificate
of attendance for any course you have completed, review and print your current certification list, and
review and print your courses completed for certification as well as register for current courses. For your
assistance, video tutorials have been created to show you, screen by screen, how myNewJersey functions.
To view these videos, from the home screen go to Registration Help and select Videos.
Video tutorials are available on the following topics:
• How to create a mynewJersey account
• How to login to mynewJersey
• How to reset your password
• How to link an already created mynewJersey account
• The registration process
• How to update your email address
For students who have never registered for courses online: from the home screen of www.keanfiresafety.
com go to Registration Help and then click on myNewJersey Account Set-Up and Authorization to begin
the registration process. It is highly
recommended that the video, “How to register for NJ Division of Fire Safety courses” be viewed prior to
beginning to register in order to obtain important procedural information. For all other technical support,
please call our office at 908-737-0230, Monday – Friday, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
For All Students– If you are unable to attend a course, please call 609-777-3552 to cancel as soon as
possible so that someone else may use your space. Failure to cancel will be recorded and action may
be taken. Do not call the academy where the course is being held to cancel. Credit will not be given for
repeating a course within a three-year period, with the exception of Code Update. Although computer
records are kept, you should keep a record of the courses you have completed. All courses begin promptly
at 8:30 a.m. and conclude at approximately 3:30 p.m., unless otherwise indicated. In order to receive
course credit, you must be present prior to the start of class and in the classroom for the entire course.
Credit may not be granted if you arrive late, return late from lunch and breaks, leave early, or if you are
not in the classroom while the course is in session. The use of electronic devices (i.e texting, ipad/laptop
usage or any other electronic devices) that will disturb the instruction of the course delivery is strictly
prohibited. Students who do not adhere to the guidelines will be asked to remove themselves from the
classroom and will not receive credit for the enrolled course.
Confirmation of Attendance– Students can receive same-day confirmation of attendance at a course.
If you are interested in receiving verification on the day you attend a course, you must bring your
confirmation notice with you to class. After the class has concluded, the facilitator will stamp this notice as
proof that you attended the course.
Dress Code– The Division of Fire Safety has instituted a dress code for attendance at courses.
Appropriate Dress includes long pants, shirts with sleeves, and shoes. Sleeveless shirts and shorts are not
permitted at any DFS course, exam or conference. Facility representatives will enforce this dress code, and
those who do not comply may be dismissed from the course and/or lose credit.